Our Mission

Our mission is simple.

Make it easy for rare disease caregivers to access free mental health support.

We believe in the adage, “Secure your own mask first before assisting others.” For those of us dealing with the daily challenges involved in raising a child with severe special needs, this is particularly important.

At BelieveWell, we help you secure your “mask” first so you can continue being the best caregiver you can be.

Our Story

Ilissa and Scott Reich founded Believe in a Cure in 2019 in the wake of their son Eli’s diagnosis of FOXG1 syndrome, a very rare brain disorder causing severe cognitive impairment. Believe in a Cure is pioneering a path forward to treat this terrible disease.

Along this journey, Ilissa and Scott have connected with countless rare disease families who suffer tremendously from the continuing toll that rare disease takes on a family – especially the toll on mental health.

Thus, BelieveWell was born – to offer rare disease caregivers access to free mental health care. Do you care for someone with a rare disease? We’re here for YOU.